You probably have received your taxes for the Town of Jackson and noticed that there has been an increase. To answer any questions you might have, please read the following explanation.
The major reason is the building program that the town electors approved in the amount of $5 million. The notice of the meeting was advertised in the Indianhead Shopper 3 different times.
This building includes a new highway building and shop and addition to the fire department.
Here are some statistics that should be of interest to you:
-Town of Jackson’s equalized value went up to 24%.
-The county’s equalized value is 21% which means that the property owners have to pay a slightly larger portion for the county and school district budgets.
-The major portion of property tax – 60% increase is due to the major construction costs that was approved by the town electors.
-The Town of Jackson’s mill rate is still similar to the majority of towns in the area and lower than some.
Assessed value-$257,915,300 Town Levy-$856,794 Mill rate-.003321997
For those of you who question why we didn’t put anything in the newsletter. It is printed before we receive all the taxes from the county. These are then mailed out to the town.F
If you have questions about the building of the Highway Shop and the addition to the Fire Department, please contact any of the Town Supervisors. This is the best place to get the correct information.
Thank You!