We are a new company starting a Transfer Station in the area, We will be…
Welcome to the Town of Jackson!
We are again accepting brush at Town Hall. We will not accept leaves, pine needles or large stumps.
Greetings from Dianne Connor, Town Chairperson!
Whether you’re a weekend visitor or a lifelong resident, the Town of Jackson is simply a great place to stay a little bit longer. From the crystal clear waters of the many lakes in our town to acres and acres of lush green forests, we have something to offer everyone.
We hope that you enjoy our website. Hopefully you will find an abundance of information and statistics about us. There are pages with information on our highway department, fire department and cemetery. We have a directory of all Town Board members including their addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. Each month we will post our Town Board agendas and minutes from the meetings. Our Town ordinances, annual budget and election and tax information can also be found here. You will also be able to find links to many valuable websites.
The Town of Jackson worked with Burnett County and has developed an in depth Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The Plan for the Town of Jackson is full of interesting and valuable information. Copies of our Plan are available at the Town Office.
Thank you for visiting our website!